The Ivy Cottage 604
S. Western Avenue Lampasas, Texas 76550 Phone #'s: Ivy Cottage: 512-556-0227 Ivy Cottage Fax: 512-556-9335

On a final note, I would just like to share with you the story of this
photo that I have been blessed with. This was taken by me at my mother's funeral in 2002 when I got up to read a letter I
had written for her. This was the only photo I took that day. Notice 2 things. (1) The shape and intensity of the light.
(2) There appears to be a lady standing in back with a white collar dress on. There was no one back there. We have a video
that shows this. Click on the photo to learn the whole story. It will take you to a site I built to honor our mothers.
Thank you and God Bless you.....Ken