January 1...Your New Year begins with hopes and dreams, the best
of intentions, and the ruffle of wings.
January 2...Under the shelter of angels' wings, our spirits soar and our hearts sing.
January 3...When you feel lost, pause and look closely around
you. Somewhere, somehow, an angel will be
waiting to guide you home.
January 4...If that honour be given to princes and governors,
...there is far greater reason for its being paid to
angels, in whom the splendour of the Divine glory
is far more abundantly displayed.
January 5...Angels follow your steps as clearly as if you were
walking on newly fallen snow.
January 6...When children lay them down to sleep, Two
angels come, their watch to keep,
Cover them up, safely and warm,
Tenderly shield them from ev'ry harm.
But when they wake at dawn of day,
The two bright angels go away,
Rest from their work of care and love
For God Himself keeps watch above.
January 7...When you're worried about someone you care for,
cast your thoughts, prayers, and wishes to their
angel. Love them from a distance, then move on
knowing they are in good hands.
January 8...Throughout history angels have been our
connection to Heaven. There seems to be no
protocol too fine or too unworthy for Heaven's
angels to touch down and offer their guiding light.
January 9...Angels are all around us, as far as the heart can see.
10..Angels are the power and the creative product of
goodness. They give their strength to those who
do good as well.
January 11..I have felt the presence of my guardian angel in
times of duress like a warm, comforting breath upon
my face in a cold winter storm.
January 12..It is the privilege of angels to bring God's
blessings to earth.
January 13..Listen for your angels and they'll sing you a tune.
But only when you listen closely.
January 14..You often find an angel in the smile of a child.
15..Angels exist in our lives every day, but unless we
remember how to listen, we are never aware of
their presence.
January 16..We do the work of angels when we reach out to
January 17..In the most unlikely of places---perhaps, waiting
in your shadow---the most improbable of angels
waits for you.
January 18..To the angel that was come to talk with me held
me, comforted me, and set me up upon my feet.
January 19..Sometimes not a miracle, but just believing,
takes the greatest
faith of all.
January 20..To hope is to fly. To fly is to dream. To dream is
to believe. To believe is to do. To do is to give
hope. To give hope is to fight the fight of angels.
January 21..Make friends with the angels.
22..Help me to live well in the present, help me
endure well to the end, so that I may live in the
presence of angels.
January 23..Some believe angel wings are made of the
prayers of children.
January 24..To believe in angels is to celebrate a reality you
cannot see, to respect a realm you're not yet
ready for.
January 25..May you have sunshine and moon song and
angels as your constant companions.
January 26..Strong yet gentle, angels are spiritual warriors of
peace, joy, and love.
January 27..The ignorant say they will believe in angels only
when they see them. The wise understand they
will see angels only when they believe in them.
January 28..Trust your angels to guide your steps.
29..Let your heart and mind be lifted up on the wings
of angels.
January 30..Each step I take down the path angels trod is
another step closer to God.
January 31..It's a comforting thought to know
that angels
work and move among us to make the most
of the love we have.